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Uncontrollable COVID-19

Illustration of hands holding a facemask over the New Mexico flag.

November 13, 2020 – Gene Grant and The Line opinion panelists discuss the COVID-19 spike that is overwhelming the state. As the holiday season approaches, medical experts fear that family gatherings will further spread the coronavirus and completely overwhelm hospital resources. The Line also looks at how news of a forthcoming vaccine brings hope –…

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Journey Through Election Week 2020

An electoral map of the United States, scribbled out with crayon.

Wow, we just had a tense bunch of days, each one filled with anticipation and impatience and consternation. From people worrying about how the election was going to play out, to some keeping an eye on potential violence, it would be an understatement to say that anxieties were high. It makes sense, 2020 has been mad anxious as…

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