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We Need A Plan

Comic of cats labeled "PHARMA" and "INDUSTRY" with dollar signs in their eyes mowing down nature.

The final presidential debate of 2020 got passing marks because the candidates managed to take turns. But rarely did they roll out the kind of action plans the moderator was looking for. She kept asking: If elected, what will you do about this big problem we are facing? Still, candidates did not venture into specifics.…

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Medical Community Voices Concern

A person in a facemask holds up their hands, with superimposed graphics of coronaviruses.

October 30, 2020 – Warnings about the surge in coronavirus cases came this week from medical experts, who took a step forward into the public eye this week to address concerns about the state’s capability to handle the spike in COVID-19 cases.   Doctors: Dr. Jason Mitchell, chief medical officer, Presbyterian Health Care Services  Dr. David Pitcher, executive…

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