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Human Rights on ICE

A sculpture in front of the Santa Fe Roundhouse depicting two groups of children tugging at each other, with a metal cage placed on top of one of the groups.

When President Trump and ICE got in on the act of separating families and locking kids in cages, it spurred a public outcry. Millions of people were appalled that the land of the free would treat people in such a manner—especially people who were counting on the United States to provide safety, as they were often fleeing…

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The Streets Are Hot

Demonstrators march in Downtown Albuquerque, protesting the deployment of federal agents by President Donald Trump.

In the last weeks of July, we saw high temperatures across the country. The streets heated up, and we’re not talking about the weather. We’re talking about federal forces sent to Portland, Chicago, Albuquerque and other cities. The arrival of these agents was met with public outcry and increased skepticism by lawmakers and residents alike.…

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