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Acequia Communities Adjust Centuries-Old Water Traditions Under COVID-19

A person stands in dirt, holding a shovel in their hand.

May 29, 2020 – With social distancing orders in place to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus in New Mexico, acequia communities have modified springtime traditions—like convening to clean the irrigation canals and blessing the waters passing onto fields, gardens, and orchards—that have endured for centuries.   In mid-May, instead of gathering for blessings, tossing…

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Economic Recovery Council Co-Chairs

Close-up of a $100 dollar bill.

May 29, 2020 – Producer Matt Grubs talks with Christina Campos and Brian Moore, who co-chair the governor’s new Economic Recovery Council. The group has been tasked by the governor with setting up guidelines, suggestions and best practices for reopening the state’s businesses and economy. The pair discusses the next steps in reopening and looks…

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