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COVID-19 Response: Race, Privilege And Reopening

Composite of two people holding signs reading "NO YOUTH IN CAGES" and "MY FREEDOM SHOULDN'T END WHERE YOUR FEAR BEGINS".

The past few weeks have seen a rise to anti-shutdown protests in many parts of the country. Some have observed the number of weapons at some of these protests, others have observed that most of the participants are white. That made us think, how does race factor into the conversations around re-opening? In episode 66,…

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COVID-19 Response: Love in The Time of a Pandemic

A storefront reading "i feel love".

It’s springtime, and love is in the air — but the virus is making things complicated. In episode 65, we explore the changes COVID has wrought for many kinds of love: for family, for friends, for oneself, for longtime spouses, and yes, for lovers. A relationship expert schools us on healthy communication, risk assessment, and…

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