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Tribal Cultural Response to COVID-19

An Indigenous dancer performs, with text "Social Distancing PowWow".

May 8, 2020 – Correspondent Antonia Gonzales looks into tribal cultural responses to the current pandemic. Native Americans across the country are finding ways to share their culture, language and traditions with one another as COVID-19 put a halt to tribal gatherings. Virtual pow-wows, beading classes, pottery making, language and story-sharing are among the many…

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NM Supreme Court Rules on Inmate, Staff Testing at State Prisons

Close-up of hoops of barbed wire in front of a jail.

May 8, 2020 – Correspondent Laura Paskus continues with her series of interviews with journalists around the state as they cover COVID-19 in their communities.  Jeff Proctor is a criminal justice reporter for New Mexico In Depth and contributing editor for the Santa Fe Reporter. He’s been tracking how some 6,600 inmates in New Mexico prisons are…

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