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COVID-19 Response: Home School

A pen sits on top of a magazine as light seeps through a window.

In episode 28, we talk to parents about what it’s like to become the primary educators of their kids—and to be at home with them pretty much around the clock. And Amy Biehl High School Counselor Kathleen Moore offers wisdom and tips on working with your teen in this new world. Plus Albuquerque’s director of…

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COVID-19 Response – Call Your Parents & Scam Alerts

Close-up of a cellphone's home screen.

Your NM Gov is back and shifting gears with weekday news updates on coronavirus, plus community stories, resources and an eye on government response. In episode 26, host Khalil Ekulona of KUNM radio calls his folks. Then, he talks with Karen Meyers, director of the Consumer Financial Protection Initiative about scammers who are using COVID…

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