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The Moral Problem of America’s Poverty

Portrait of Reverend William Barber II.

Sept. 18, 2020 – Rev. William Barber II is the co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, an economic justice effort first envisioned by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. during the 1960s. Rev. Barber calls America’s staggering poverty numbers a moral problem worthy of attention in the current presidential campaign, as well as in political contests…

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This Will Be On The Exam

A mural featuring a Monarch butterfly and five white flowers.

In the old days—like last year—mid-August was a time when students prepared to get back to class. A time to reconnect with friends and compare summer vacation stories and to show off the fashion of your new school outfits, if you were so lucky. In 2020, instead of students worrying about who has a crush…

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