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The Line: Mass Shootings Hit Home

Domestic Terrorism

August 9, 2019 – Gene Grant and The Line opinion panelists look at the sickening wave of mass shootings in El Paso, Dayton and elsewhere. They debate whether calling out domestic terrorism will force a change in the conversation. The group also explores the rhetoric and reality of mental illness. Line Panelists: Lonna Atkeson, UNM…

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The Line: Racial Profiling In New Mexico

Silhouettes of men standing in a line.

April 20, 2018 – Many people in New Mexico, and across the country, are talking about the arrest of two black men at a Starbucks in Philadelphia. Where is racial profiling happening in New Mexico? Are the steps being taken by the company enough? Host Gene Grant and this week’s Line share their opinions this…

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