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Secret Settlements Scrutinized | The Line

1920 Line Secret Settlements

November 22, 2019 – Gene Grant and The Line opinion panel discuss State Auditor Brian Colón’s special audit of questionable legal settlements in the final days of Governor Susana Martinez’s second term. News of the settlements first surfaced in 2018. Colón says many of those settlements were approved with little examination or scrutiny and totaled…

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The Line: Transparency Promises Don’t Always Equal Delivery

1306 Line Transparency

August 9, 2019 – Gene Grant and The Line opinion panelists discuss transparency in matters concerning the Department of Public Safety under the state’s former and current administrations. They consider certain policies that require “sunshine” no matter what administration happens to be in power. Line Panelists: Lonna Atkeson, UNM Political Science professor Eric Griego, former…

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