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Event Brings Community Members Together To Talk About Good Government

NMiF: PPD Forum

By: Kevin Maestas  April 5, 2017 – A group of New Mexicans gathered in Albuquerque on Tuesday evening to participate in a forum on how they would improve state government. The event reflected on multimedia coverage of key issues covered this year in the People, Power and Democracy project NMPBS and our media partners aimed to gain a…

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The Line: Santa Fe Reporter Goes To Court Over Access To Government Officials

NMiF: The Line Panel

March 31, 2017 – Lawyers for the Santa Fe Reporter and Governor Susana Martinez squared off in court this week. SFR alleges in a lawsuit that the Martinez administration repeatedly violated the state Inspection of Public Records ACT (IPRA) and treated the paper differently than other news outlets. Host Gene Grant and our Line opinion…

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