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The Line: State Senator Withdraws Bill After Donations Come To Light

NMiF: The Line Panel - State Senator Withdraws Bill After Donations Come To Light

March 17, 2017 – State Senator Steven Neville withdrew one of his bills this week after learning that the company that would benefit from the business deal had donated to Governor Susana Martinez’s campaign and Political Action Committee but those donations were not disclosed during debates in committee and on the Senate floor. We heard…

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The Line: At The Roundhouse This Week

NMiF: The Line Panel

March 10, 2017 – There are just a few weeks left in the 2017 legislative session. Host Gene Grant and this week’s Line opinion panelists look at some bills that have failed this year and discuss why “dummy bills” reduce transparency in the legislative process. Line Panelists Janice Arnold-Jones, former state representative Tom Garrity, The Garrity…

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