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The Line: Straight-Party Voting Controversy Will Go To NM Supreme Court

NMiF: voter information

September 7, 2018 –Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver recently announced she would include straight-party voting on the ballot this year. The New Mexico Republican and Libertarian parties, along with two outside political groups and a Democratic write-in candidate, then filed a petition with the state Supreme Court seeking to ban the option on the…

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The Line: The Heat Is On In New Mexico’s Governor’s Race

1209 Line Governor's Race

August 31, 2018 – We’re days away from Labor Day, which traditionally signals the ramping up of political races.  A recent poll by the Emerson College in Boston shows a close race between U.S. Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham and U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce in their bid to become the state’s next governor. Gene Grant and…

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