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First Time Voters In New Mexico React To Presidential Candidates

A woman in a purple jacket is talking to the camera.

April 8, 2016 – This week on New Mexico in Focus, correspondent Stan Wilson sits down with two young voters to talk about the candidates for president and the tone of the 2016 elections. Janelle Astorga-Ramos and James Hughes are both freshmen at UNM and they have different opinions on what’s important this election year.

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New Mexico Response To Trump Campaign

Three people sitting at a table in front of a camera.

March 25, 2016 – This week on New Mexico in Focus, correspondent Stan Wilson sits down with two local political analysts to discuss reactions to the Trump campaign in New Mexico. Lonna Atkeson, professor in the political science department at UNM, is traveling the country right now to observe primary elections. Gabe Sanchez, a UNM professor and researcher with…

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