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Should New Mexico Move To Open Primaries?

A man and woman sitting at a table in front of a city.

February 5, 2016 – This week on New Mexico in Focus, we look at legislation that could give voters the chance to vote to change how the state’s primary elections are operated. Bob Perls from New Mexico Open Primaries sits down with producer Sarah Gustavus to talk about why he believes opening up primary voting…

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The Line: Controversial Political Appointment

Three people sitting at a table talking to each other.

November 20, 2015 –  Idalia Lechuga-Tena was recently appointed to the seat for House District 21, which includes neighborhoods in southeast Albuquerque. But Lechuga-Tena, a Democrat, has publicly admitted that she voted before she became a U.S. citizen. She told the Albuquerque Journal that she didn’t know that she couldn’t vote when she was a legal permanent resident.…

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