The Line: Counties Pass Laws Counteracting State Policy
March 15, 2019 – Gene Grant and the Line opinion panelists examine tensions between the state and counties over a “right-to-work” ordinance ban and new gun safety laws and proposals.
Line Panelists:
Merritt Allen, owner and executive director, Vox Optima LLC
Dede Feldman, former NM State Senator
Tom Garrity, the Garrity Group PR
Sophie Martin, attorney
For Further Reading:
Senate sends gov. bill striking down local ‘right-to-work’ measures – by Andrew Oxford and Milan Simonich, Santa Fe New Mexican
Lawmakers vote to ban local ‘right-to-work’ laws– by Dan McKay, Albuquerque Journal
Background checks for all gun sales now NM law– by Dan Boyd, Albuquerque Journal
Governor signs law expanding checks on gun sales – by Andrew Oxford, Santa Fe New Mexican