The Line: Lawmakers Consider Changes To Breakfast After The Bell Program
January 29, 2016 – Breakfast After The Bell was created reduce the number of children who are hungry at the start of the school day. But some lawmakers say they’re hearing from teachers and school officials that eating in the classroom is creating new challenges.
Senator Gay Kernan told the Albuquerque Journal that a bill she introduced (SB 144) with Senator Mimi Stewart would give districts more flexibility in how they manage the breakfast program. Jennifer Ramo from New Mexico Appleseed, which pushed for the legislation that requires low-income schools to serve breakfast after the start of the school day, has spoken out against the proposed changes.
This week, the Line opinion panelists react to the political debate over the future of the Breakfast After The Bell program.
Eddy Aragon, CEO, “The Rock of Talk,” Fox News ABQ 95.9 FM
Lonna Atkeson, UNM political science professor and director of the Center for the Study of Voting, Elections, and Democracy
Sophie Martin, attorney and editor of
Rob Nikolewski, independent journalist