The Line: New State Budget Estimate Is Bleak
June 24, 2016 – During an interim legislative meeting on Monday, the director of the Legislative Finance Committee told lawmakers that the budget is bleaker than originally expected.
According to the Albuquerque Journal, David Abbey, Director of LFC, told the committee that New Mexico is running “on fumes.” State lawmakers originally thought revenue would be higher when they approved a budget in this year’s 30-day session, but Abbey announced that revenues will likely be about 10 percent less than originally expected.
A potential special session was brought up in the meeting. Governor Susana Martinez would have to call lawmakers back to Santa Fe and she hasn’t indicated yet that she plans to do so. The Line opinion panel discussed this issue on the latest episode of New Mexico In Focus.
Do you think New Mexico Lawmakers should re-examine how the state projects future revenue? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter.
Line Panelists
Merritt Allen, Vox Optima
Dan Foley, former New Mexico house minority whip
Eric Griego, former New Mexico state senator
Sophie Martin, attorney and editor of