The Line: No Citizenship Question on Census – For Now
June 28, 2019 – Asking someone being counted in the 2020 census if they are a U.S. citizen is a loaded question. Census law says the government is supposed to count every person living in the United States, not just every citizen. An undercount could mean less federal funding, especially in rural parts of New Mexico. Politics plays a role as well as money, as an undercount could lead to redistricting in our state. Gene Grant and the Line opinion panelists discuss the citizenship question and the mixed decision the U.S. Supreme Court handed down that blocks the question from being added, at least for now.
Line Panelists:
Michael Barrio, director of advocacy, Prosperity Works
Dede Feldman, former NM State Senator
Dan Foley, former state representative
Laura Sanchez-Rivét, Affirm, Inc.
For Further Reading:
Supreme Court blocks 2020 census citizenship question in setback for Trump admin – CNN
Aerial photos help census officials pinpoint faraway people – Associated Press