The Line: Security Fence Proposed for UNM
June 7, 2019 – Crime is a problem around Albuquerque. It’s a problem around the University of New Mexico campus, too. But is putting a fence around UNM the answer? Initial reactions, at least in the court of popular opinion, seem to be negative. But parents of current and future students want university officials to do something substantial to make the campus safe. Gene Grant and the Line opinion panelist debate the best way to address UNM’s safety issues.
Line Panelists:
Eric Griego, former NM state senator
Kristelle Siarza, CEO, Siarza Social Digital
Diane Snyder, former NM state senator
Harry Van Buren, professor in the UNM Anderson School of Management
For Further Reading:
UNM proposes to build fence around entire campus for safety concerns – by Jeannie Nguyen, Albuquerque Journal
In wake of student death, APD & UNMPD partner – by Danielle Prokop,