The Line: UNM, NMSU Regents In The News
March 2, 2018 – Last month, University of New Mexico Regent Alex Romero announced his resignation the day after he publicly voiced concerns about power imbalances and communication problems within the seven-member Board of Regents. And regents at New Mexico State University defended their action curbing outgoing chancellor Garrey Carruthers’ power, despite the call by dozens of legislators for the entire board to resign over the decision. Gene Grant and the Line opinion panelists examine the discord surrounding Regents of the state’s two largest universities.
Martha Burk, political psychologist, women’s issues expert, and radio commentator
Tom Garrity, president and CEO of The Garrity Group PR
Stephanie Maez, executive director of ProgressNow New Mexico
Stephen Spitz, host of New Mexico People Places and Ideas on KUNM
For further reading:
Governor extends terms of two UNM regents – by Jessica Dyer, Albuquerque Journal
NMSU regents defend curb on chancellor’s powers – by Jessica Dyer, Albuquerque Journal